How Much Money is Really Made Amongst Influencers?

Today, we are seeing a rise in the average working person quitting their jobs to pursue a career in social media. How is this possible? Is the money really there? Will we see this trend start to decrease? These may be some questions that you are asking yourself.

We see it every day, someone from a small town in Oklahoma posted a series of Tik-Toks and suddenly blew up overnight, they dropped out of school, and they are now living a dream they didn’t even know they had. You may be wondering, is it Tik Tok that is allowing them to do this, or is it some other form of revenue.

It is important to differentiate the differences between mega and “nano” or “micro” influencers. Nano or micro-influencers are people who have less than 100,000 followers on their social media page. The industry is seeing an increase in companies paying these influencers livable wages.

To make money through Instagram, Influencers receive compensation through brand deals not from Instagram the app. Content has to be sponsored in order for influencers to be paid. The way that everyday users of Instagram know that posts are sponsored is if the word #Ad is used anywhere in the post or in the caption.

Let’s talk numbers, how much are influencers today making?

For an influencer who has upward of 1,000,000+ followers, the industry is seeing that influencers are charging around $1,000 for a sponsored story post and that micro-influencers are making around $100 per story post. If we are seeing such large amounts of money being paid for story posts, imagine the price a brand would pay for an in-feed post. According to Business Insider, “to land on these rates, some influencers rely on formulas like charging brands $100 for every 10,000 followers.”

Not only are influencers able to make money through sponsored brand posts but they are now able to generate extra income through affiliate links and product discount codes. Influencers are able to tag links to products and each time a product is purchased through one of these tags, the influencer receives a cut of the money. In addition to this, many times, brands will send influencers discount codes for their followers to enter and they will, in turn, receive the commission off of those codes. There was an anonymous influencer that Business Insider interviewed and they said that based on affiliate links alone, they were taking home an average of $5,000 a month.

Based on all of this information we are seeing how easy it is to make mass amounts of money with social media. It is no surprise that people are able to quit their jobs and make a full-time living with these payments. In fact, many people probably make more than they were in their corporate job.,2020%20through%20affiliate%20links%20alone.


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